01Truck To Ship Method
LNG Fuel Propulsion Ship Bunkering
First Truck to Ship LNG bunkering in Asia (July 2013)
"Eco-Nuri",the guide ship of Port of Incheon
First Truck to Ship LNG bunkering on LNG bunkering vessel in the world (February 2017)
The Engie Zeebrugge,LNG Bunkering vessel
Initiated TTS bunkering for LNG propulsion vessel that transports limestone to POSCO (February 2018)
The Green Iris,LNG-powered bulk carrier
Initiated TTS bunkering for LNG propulsion vessel that cleans the harbour in Ulsan Harbour Administration Office (September 2019)
Cheonghwa no.2,LNG-powered harbor cleaning vessel
Performance of LNG
Propulsion Vessel for LNG Bunkering
LNG bunkering on the Econuri
LNG bunkering on the Engie Zeebrugge
LNG bunkering on the Green Iris
LNG bunkering on the Cheonghwa no.2
for Ulsan Harbour Cleaning
for Ulsan Harbour Cleaning
- Using the tank lorry loading facility owned by KOGAS, conducted Gas trial operation on TTS method LNG bunkering targeting currently built vessels by shipbuilders (January 2021 ~)