- KOGAS succeeds in Korea’s first container ship ‘LNG bunkering simultaneous operation’ 2024-08-09 관리자
- Successful simultaneous LNG bunkering and cargo operations within Korea’s first trade port 2023-10-31 관리자
- S. Korea expands funding, support for local shipbuilders - Country christens 1st homegrown advanced LNG bunkering ship 2023-05-11 관리자
- S. Korea christens 1st homegrown advanced LNG bunkering ship 2023-05-11 관리자
- KOLB signed the first STS bunkering contract with H-Line Shipping! 2022-07-25 Administrator
- KOLB. Completes Its first STS LNG Bunkering operation! 2021-06-22 koweb
- KOLB will set the first LNG bunkership in Korea in 2023. (KOLB INC. signed the LNG buknership building contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries) 2021-06-18 koweb
- Excellent start to the LNG bunkering business of KOLB! (The first successful TTS method LNG bunkering supply) 2021-06-18 koweb
- Korea LNG Bunkering Inc. Founded 2021-06-18 koweb